Articles of Association

Adopted at the founding meeting of the organisation on the 7th of February 2023.

Chapter 1: Objectives

§ 1.1 Name

The name of the organisation is Organisasjonen Ferske Forskarar (in English, Norwegian Organisation for Early-Career Researchers), abbreviated OFF.

§ 1.2 Objectives of OFF

OFF is an inclusive membership-based organisation, the objectives of which are to represent and advance the interests of researchers at an early stage of their careers.

Chapter 2: Members

§ 2.1 Members

Membership in OFF is open to all active PhD students and everyone who has obtained a PhD within the last seven years.


In addition, persons with dedicated research time in their positions, regardless of PhD, qualify for membership. These may maximally have been employed in a research position, or in a position including research time, for seven years. If someone who has been granted membership according to these criteria undertakes a PhD, they may be members in the organisation for ten years in total, with at most seven of these years being after the completion of the PhD.


The described limits to how long membership is allowed after the PhD/when in a position with dedicated research time can be extended in the event of leave, illness, or other cases which similarly halt career progression.

§ 2.2 Obtaining and terminating membership

Membership can be obtained by those who register and satisfy one of the membership criteria laid out in § 2.1. Registration is done by requesting membership through whichever channel is the organisation’s official one at the time.

A member can terminate their membership in the organisation by notifying the Board of the termination.

§ 2.3 Exclusion

Members can be excluded from OFF if they, after one warning, continue to act in contravention of the organisation's objectives as specified in § 1.2, or if they harass other members. Any decision to issue a warning to or exclude a member must be passed with a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of Board votes. The excluded member can appeal the decision of exclusion to the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).

§ 2.4 Reporting concerning behaviour

Any member can submit a report to the Board if they experience behaviour which satisfy the criteria for exclusion as specified in § 2.3. The Board is obligated to discuss the report, and, if deemed necessary, to issue a warning to the member the report concerns. The Board is further obligated to follow up with the complainant.

Chapter 3 Documents:

§ 3.1 Articles of Association

The Articles of Association take precedence over other documents and regulate the core operations of OFF. Amendments to the Articles must be decided by the AGM in the manner specified in chapter 4.

§ 3.2 Budget and accounts

The budget and accounts regulate the financial operations of OFF. The budget regulates the organisation’s spending for the following calendar year, whereas the accounts show its spending in the previous year. The budget and accounts, as well as any amendments to them, must be approved by the AGM in the manner specified in chapter 4.

§ 3.3 Political Programme

The Political Programme sets out the organisation’s values and political positions and ambitions, explicating what OFF believes to be in line with its objectives as stated in § 1.2. The Political Programme is created by the Board and amended by them as they see fit.

§ 3.4 Action Plan

The Action Plan sets out the actionable steps OFF intends to take in the following year and is created by the Board. A proposed Action Plan is presented at the AGM, but the new Board is free to make amendments to it.

The Board presents an evaluation of the previous year’s Action Plan, in addition to a proposed Action Plan for the following year, at every AGM.

Chapter 4: Annual General Meeting (AGM)

§ 4.1 Authority

The AGM is the highest decision-making body of OFF.

§ 4.2 Meeting, speaking, and voting rights

All members who have registered to attend the AGM have meeting, speaking, and voting rights.

§ 4.3 Ordinary AGM

The ordinary AGM will be held once a year. It should be called at minimum four weeks in advance, with documents pertaining to the AGM being sent to the members at minimum two weeks in advance.

The following agenda items should be discussed at the AGM:

  • Amendments to the Articles of Association, if any

  • Approval of the accounts from the previous year

  • Budget for the following year

  • Presentation of the evaluation of the Action Plan, as well as of the Action Plan proposed for the following year

  • Election of Board members

  • Exclusion appeals, if any

Amendments to the Articles of Association must be passed with a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority of votes cast, whereas a simple majority of votes is sufficient in other cases. The election of Board members is regulated under chapter 6.

The AGM may decide to hold a closed session in cases where this is desirable.

§ 4.4 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Between AGMs, an EGM may be held if demanded by more than half of the (acting) Board Members or more than half of the active members of OFF. The EGM must be called at minimum two weeks in advance, and it may consider only the agenda items set out in § 4.3 which are specified in the notice of meeting.

In cases where it is the members of OFF who are calling an EGM, a written demand letter must be sent to Board specifying the items to be discussed and the members making the demand. The Board will then call the EGM as soon as possible.

Chapter 5: The Board

§ 5.1 The function and composition of the Board

The Board is the executive body of OFF who are responsible for the operations of the organisation between General Meetings. The Board is elected by the AGM for a term of one year and comprises the following positions:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Treasurer

  • Board Member

  • Board Member

  • Board Member

The main responsibility for the operations of the Board lies with the President, whereas the Vice President is the President’s deputy. The Treasurer oversees the income and expenditures of the organisation. Otherwise, the Board decides how to divide its responsibilities and tasks between its members.

In cases where there is an equality of votes, the President or their deputy holds a casting vote.

Signatures and procurations on behalf of OFF require the approval of the President or their deputy in addition to the Treasurer.

§ 5.2 Quorum

The Board is quorate if at minimum four of its six members are present.

Chapter 6: Elections

The Board is elected at the AGM, in line with § 4.3. The outgoing Board recommends members to serve on the Board. Their recommendation is sent to the members along with the other documents pertaining to the AGM. The outgoing Board can either draw up a list of candidates that are recommended jointly, or they may recommend candidates for each position separately. A simple majority of votes is required for election.